Arizona State University Alumni
Hall of Fame
Ladmo was one
of several Arizona State University (ASU) alumni inducted into the College of Public
Programs Hall of Fame in a ceremony on Saturday,
November 3, 1990, at the Sheraton Tempe Mission
Palms Hotel. Ladmo’s biography in the event booklet read
as follows:
Ladmo Kwiatkowski (’53)
is best known for his role in the longest-running children’s
television program in the nation. The Wallace and Ladmo Show ran
for more than 35 years, and more than 100,000 children visited
the studio during more than 9,000 show.
Ladmo attended what was then Arizona State College from 1949-53,
where he continually lettered in baseball. Upon graduation, the
Cleveland Indians asked him to play baseball for them, but Ladmo
had other dreams. He went to work for KPHO-TV in 1954, on the It’s
Wallace show, and the rest is history. For his work, Ladmo
received seven Emmy awards as well as the Copper Mike Award.
His special concern for children led Ladmo to endeavors outside
the television studio. Ladmo started Rookie Junior League baseball
for children ages six to ten-years-old, and he remained an active
part of the program for several years.
The Tempe Jaycees gave Ladmo its Service to Humanity Award, while
the Phoenix Jaycees named him one of the Outstanding Young Men
of Arizona. In addition, Ladmo has received the ASU Alumni Award
and the College of Public Programs’ Distinguished Achievement
The Death of Ladmo
The State of
Arizona was stunned when it heard of the death of Ladimir Kwiatkowski
on March 2nd, 1994 after a brief illness. The funeral
Mass was held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
in Tempe, Arizona on
March 4, 1994.
Ladmo’s wife, Patsy:
When I got there,
it was at the mortuary. We were all there and I started greeting
people. Why, I don’t know. Well, I
guess people kept talking to me and I shook hands. I
believe, I mean . . . there were motorcycle guys in
leather outfits
and beards and helmets giving me hugs. It just made
me feel so wonderful. They were absolutely great. They showed
their love for this man which made me feel good. In
fact, a young man came up to me and said “May I please
have a moment of your time?” I
said sure and he said ‘Six months ago I had an
out of body experience.’ He said ‘My heart
had stopped and I went to heaven.’ He says ‘I
didn’t want to come back.
I was so happy there. I felt so good, but they told
me it wasn’t
my time. I came back.’ He says ‘Believe
me, Ladmo does not want to come back. He’s perfectly
happy where he is.’ I
thought that was very nice of him to come up and tell
me that. It meant a lot to me and I kept thinking of
that young man saying well, he’s happy and contented
and he’s no longer
in any pain and so that helped.
A young girl called me, it must have been two months later,
and said that her and her brother had gone to the visitation
and they met this young man there and they had agreed that if
the show ever came back on the air or a special came on the air
that they would get together to watch it. She said ‘I can’t
remember his last name, but he signed the book right after we
did. Would you mind looking it up?’ So I went and got the
books and took me a while but I finally found the name and told
her the name of the young man. So whether she got a hold of him
or not I don’t
The people . . . I don’t know how to express it, they
made me feel so good. And I thought ‘I’m not supposed
to feel good. My husband has just died. I’m not supposed
to feel this good.” And at the funeral, it was packed.
An airplane was flying over with a banner. The [Catholic] bishop [Thomas
O’Brien] was there. I guess he doesn’t go to
too many funerals. Steven Spielberg sent me a huge plant and
wrote me a sweet letter. I had cards from people I didn’t
know. I would say two to three thousand cards. It kept me in
a state of . . . awe, I guess. And it made me feel good that
he was that loved. That people cared that much.
Arizona Representative Ed Pastor read
the following speech before the United States House of Representatives
on Friday, March 18, 1994.
Ed Pastor:
Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye
to a personal friend of mine and a hero to thousands of Arizonans
known to us simply as Ladmo. Ladimir Kwiatkowski, co-star of the
Wallace and Ladmo show died last week and I know that I am speaking
on behalf of all Arizonans in saying that he will be greatly missed.
Ladmo studied journalism at Arizona State University where
he played baseball. After four seasons at ASU, he was offered a
contract by the Cleveland Indians. Instead,
he chose to finish school and go to work for KPHO-TV where he eventually
became the co-star of what came to be the longest-running local
television show in the Nation’s history.
For 35 years, Ladmo played the mischievous, cheerful character
who always got caught doing things the kids wished they could
do. His childlike enthusiasm instantly won over the hearts of Arizona’s
youth. They trusted him and saw him as a role model, as did
their children and their children’s children. Famous for
his top hat pushed down over his ears, T-shirt with a painted-on
tie and goody-filled Ladmo Bags, he reached the children like
no other person could.
Over 1,000 people attended Ladmo’s funeral, many of whom
had never personally met him. The outpouring of people who went
to pay their last respects is testimony of the tremendous impact
he had on the people of Arizona . Ladimir Kwiatkowski,
husband, father of five and grandfather of seven, will be missed
not only by his family but by the three generations of Arizonans
to whom he dedicated his life to making happy.
Bill “Wallace” Thompson:
Lad’s death, the Boyce-Thompson Arboretum up in
Superior [ Arizona ] dedicated a tree to Lad. Appropriately
it was a pistachio tree. Lad would have loved having a nut tree
be planted in his honor. I put a shovel full in. There were about
150 people showed up for this tree dedication. Somebody in the
audience walked up, took the shovel from me, put in some dirt,
and started to talk about Ladmo. One by one about half of the
people in that crowd came up [and] had something nice to say
about Ladmo and filled in all the area around the tree. They
were an extremely important part of the dedication, the ceremony.
Booklet Cover |
Phoenix Gazette: March 3, 1994 |
East Valley Boys
and Girls Club,
Ladmo Branch
Shortly after Ladmo’s
death, a valley chapter of the Boys and Girls Club renamed one
of their Tempe branches after Ladmo. Patsy Kwiatkowski and Pat
McMahon were on hand to unveil a large photograph of Ladmo at
the dedication ceremonies on June 16, 1994.
The Wallace & Ladmo Summer Series -
Former director Sharon Kelley treated fans
to six half-hour episodes culled from videotape in the Channel 5 archives.
Hosted by Pat McMahon, the shows ran from June to July 1994.

The Wallace
and Ladmo Book
In 1994, local publisher Jeanne Kuhman
(owner of View Designs) commissioned authors Richard Ruelas and
Michael K. Sweeney to write a history of the show. The result was
the delightful HoHo!HaHa!HeeHee!HaHa!
The Wallace and Ladmo Show, 35 Years of Laughter. The book debuted
at the dedication of the Wallace and Ladmo Stage at the Arizona State
Fairgrounds (see below). The book eventually sold out. All of the
proceeds from the sale of the book were donated to the Phoenix Children’s
Hospital. The hospital was able to purchase a new heart monitor with
the money from the book.
The Wallace & Ladmo Stage
Thursday, October 20th, 1994, the Lagoon Stage at the Arizona
State Fairgrounds was renamed the Wallace & Ladmo Stage. Among
the dignitaries who spoke at the dedication were then Arizona
Governor Fife Symington and Arizona State Attorney General
Grant Woods, a long-time fan. Wallace, Pat McMahon and Patsy Kwiatkowski
each spoke to a large crowd that gathered to honor the trio
that have hundreds of performances on that very stage. Here is what
Grant Woods had to say to the crowd during the dedication ceremony:
Grant Woods:
I have the very distinct honor
of being able to speak, I guess, for all the kids over the
last several decades who grew up here in Arizona watching
these guys on television and on stage. That’s my task
here today, is to somehow speak for all of you and for all
these kids and that’s one of the toughest things
had to do here in the last four years. But I’ll try to
do it as well as I can.
At our house in Mesa, if it was 4
o’clock, you knew where the kids were and you knew
what was on television. We were in front of the television watching
the Wallace and Ladmo Show. We tuned in for the cartoons because
they were the only place showing cartoons but we also tuned in
to see all of these guys. To see Wallace and to see Ladmo and to
see all of Pat’s crazy characters. And every day we learned
a little bit about justice and injustice. It was played out in
very real terms because Gerald everyday would almost get away with
some terrible things but by the end of the show, justice would
prevail and Wallace would somehow figure out, with our help, that
it really was Gerald who did the bad things and not Ladmo.
I was one of the thousands of kids who followed these guys
around to Legend City or Encanto Park.
Every year, right here on this stage, we screamed and we pleaded
for justice and we cheered for Ladmo. Before any one of us
had discovered rock and roll, we had already experienced group
hysteria right out here as we watched this show. I never got
a Ladmo Bag before, and I can tell you I’m still kind of steamed about
that. I never got to pick a prize off the shelf, even though there
was a Crash-Mobile there that I always wanted and still want today.
Then and today I blame the station or some of the big-shots there.
I never blamed Ladmo because I know he would have picked me.
I had an experience later when I was senior class president
at Mesa Westwood [high school]. I brought these
guys out to the school. We dug up an old Boris Karloff movie from
the archives of Channel 5 and we showed it to all these kids for
a fund raiser. There was about 800 elementary school kids out there
waiting to see these guys and Ladmo came up to me and he said “Here,
let me show you something.” He grabbed Wallace’s derby
and he stuck his hand out the curtain. Nobody said anything and
that got their attention. He waved it around. Then he grabbed his
own hat and he just stuck his hat out there in front of the curtain
and the whole place went absolutely crazy. They were screaming,
yelling, working themselves into a frenzy. Then he said “Watch
this.” He went over to Pat and he got Gerald’s glasses
and put Gerald’s glasses out there. All these kids started
yelling, screaming. Some of them stormed the stage. They had to
be pushed back from the stage. They were so upset at just seeing
the glasses. And remember, this was in Mesa,
so you can imagine what it was like here at the fair.
A couple of years ago, I guess a few years ago, I sat out there
with my own children and I brought my little boy and little girl
out here to watch a stage show, to watch Gerald and Ladmo in action.
That was quite a thing for me and a very important moment in my
life to see my own little kids standing there yelling as loud as
they could, pointing up at the stage at Gerald . . . I saw then
maybe what all of you had seen, the generation to generation and
decade to decade; all children in Arizona responded the same.
think I took it harder than I would have expected when I heard
that Ladmo had died. I thought a part of me and a part of my
childhood had slipped away when the announcer said those words.
Because with Ladmo we were always laughing. We were always
smiling. He got older and we got older, but we were all still
kids as long as Ladmo was around. I started feeling sorry really
not for myself but for today’s children. They’ll have to sort through
a whole world of cynicism to find true goodness out there in today’s
world. But back then all we had to do was come to the [ Arizona ]
State Fair or tune in television to Channel 5 at 4 o’clock .
Now all we have to do is close our eyes and remember the joy and
the caring and the love these guys brought to us every day that
helped make our childhood a happy time.
So I guess for all the kids young and older now, I am here
to thank Ladmo as he takes a break from playing with the children
up there in heaven. To thank Wallace. To thank Pat. To thank
you for the great memories, sure, but also to thank you for being
such an important part of a very important thing. Happy childhood.
A happy childhood that for all us led to a happy life. Thank
Wallace and Patsy
Kwiatkowski greeting fans |
Pat with fans |
Mike Condello with fans |

Show Ladmo Bag, Oct. 1994 |
Ladmo Park
after Ladmo’s death, a group of dedicated
folks on the west side of Phoenix gathered
together and transformed an empty half-acre of land near 41
st Avenue and Earll Drive into
the Ladmo Park.
The movement to build the park came from the West-side Block Watchers
who convinced City Councilman Salomon Leija and others to purchase
the property. After the site was secured, Mike Markham of Markham
Construction and the American Subcontractors Association of Arizona
built a basketball court, picnic table, barbeque, and drinking fountain
all in one day.
The completed park was dedicated on Saturday,
October 29th, 1994. Wallace, Pat McMahon and Patsy Kwiatkowski
all spoke at the event that drew many people from the surrounding
neighborhood. This is what Patsy had to say:
Patsy Kwiatkowski:
For years Ladmo spent
time in parks doing shows, playing softball, coaching baseball.
And in doing so he saw how parks have been a place kids can go
to play, meet their friends and have family barbeques. He loved
to hear kids laugh and see their happy, smiling faces. To all
the people who donated the materials and time, you did an amazing
job. It is very obvious that there was a lot of love, caring
and thoughtfulness put into this project. And now with each beautiful Arizona sunrise,
this park will be eagerly awaiting the sounds of children at
Having this park dedicated in Ladmo’s memory gives the
family the knowledge that his passion for children’s laughter
will now pass from generation to generation. We thank you all for
keeping Ladmo’s memory alive. And last, but not least, speaking
as Mrs. Ladmo, mom and grandmother, I expect you children to keep
this park cleaner than your rooms. Thank you very much.
Condello Presents:
Wallace & Ladmo’s
Greatest Hits CD
After many months of work, Mike Condello
issued a CD in December 1994 of the music from the show. Along
with Hub Kapp and the Ladmo Trio, the LaChords and Commodore Condello’s
Salt River Navy Band’s local hits were compiled
and remastered by Epiphany Records in Tempe, Arizona.
Local music historian John Dixon and Brad Singer were the executive
producers. All the profits from the CD went to the Boys and Girls
Club of the East Valley,
Ladmo Branch.
Wallace and Ladmo
Art Exhibition and Installation
photographer and fan David Cook opened an exhibition of photographs
he took of the Wallace & Ladmo 30th Anniversary
Show at the Eleven East Ashland Independent Art Space in Phoenix.
The show ran from March to April 1995. Besides David’s photographs,
there were artifacts and other goodies on exhibit that were graciously
loaned by, among others, Wallace, Patsy Kwiatkowski, Chris Kozakis
of the Wallace & Ladmo Fan Club, Sharon Kelley and Rick and
Pete Kersten.
The Death of Mike Condello
Just over a year after the death of Ladmo,
Wallace and Ladmo fans were saddened to learn of the death of the man
behind the music of the show, Mike Condello. Mike had battled chronic
depression for many years. He ended his life on August 17th, 1995 in
his Santa Monica apartment.
A memorial was held for Mike at the Wallace & Ladmo Stage at
the Arizona State Fairgrounds on Thursday evening, August 31st,
1995. Among those who spoke at the memorial was Wallace (he gave
away a Ladmo Bag), Pat McMahon, Patsy Kwiatkowski, Carrie Thompson
(Wallace’s daughter who often sang with Mike) and Jack Curtis
of Stage Seven. Mike’s drummer, Rich Post, on Commodore Condello’s
Salt River Navy Band and Hub Kapp and the Wheels, came in from Portland,
Oregon for the memorial. This is a part of what Rich
said that evening:
Rich Post:
Last week I was driving down the
road, teary-eyed, and I was, quite frankly, feeling a lot of
grief. And I came upon a truck. It was a large van. And there
was writing on the back of it. The first words on it was the
name of the company. For the life of me, can’t remember
what it was. But under it was the motto of that company. And
the motto was “Music Is Happiness”.
And I tell ya’, the grief seemed to lift. I felt so
much better because I finally grasped, I think, what Mike
Condello, my best friend, brought to all of us and the legacy
that he left.
Wall[ace] said he can’t believe he’s gone. And
Wall, I tell ya’, I don’t feel he has gone. I look
at it that he’s on a journey and in his absence, Michael
has left us with his music, with his laughter and with his wit.
And I am very proud to have the time that I did with Mike. The
association that we had, both professionally and personal. I love
him dearly, as we all do. He’ll be missed, but believe me,
you’re right, not forgotten. He’s on a journey and
we have his memories to carry us through. Thank you all very much.
Wallace and Ladmo meet Local Theater
playwright Ben Tyler penned two plays based on the show. His first, The
Wallace and Ladmo Show told
the story of the rise of Hub Kapp and Pat McMahon’s decision
to stay with the show rather than accept a Hollywood recording
contract. This first play ran throughout most of 2000 at both the
Desert Foothills Theater and the Herberger Theater in Phoenix.
The second play, The Last Wallace and Ladmo Show,
dealt with the final show and the death of Ladmo. The play ran
from August to September 2002 at Theater Works in Peoria, Arizona.
Aunt Maud’s Storybook
View Designs followed up their success with the first Wallace & Ladmo book with a compilation of Aunt Maud’s “children’s stories”. The book was put together by Wallace and Pat McMahon, and delightfully illustrated by the Kersten Brothers. Alice Cooper wrote the introduction.
Phoenix Art Museum:
Trompe L’oeil
OK, I didn’t know how
to pronounce it at first, either. Dennita Sewell, the Curator of
Fashion at the Phoenix Art Museum, opened a splendid exhibit on
Trompe L’oeil (pronounced TRUMP
LOY), the art of printing accessories on clothing to give a 3-D
effect. Prominent in the display was a Ladmo tie t-shirt that is
perhaps the first ever Wallace and Ladmo artifact ever put on exhibit
at the Phoenix Art Museum. The show ran from March to June, 2003.
for Tuning In”
Wallace's autobiography
After minutes of intensive
work, Arizona Republic columnist
Richard Ruelas and Wallace got together to write Wallace’s
autobiography. Published in 2004, Thanks for Tuning In is
198 pages of text and photographs of Wallace’s boyhood, move
to Phoenix and creator of the
show. The book has already had several printings.
The 50th Anniversary Stage Show
In honor of the
50th Anniversary of the start of It’s
Wallace on KPHO-TV5, the Arizona State Fair held an anniversary
stage show at the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum on Sunday,
October 17th, 2004. Wallace and Pat McMahon was on hand to meet
the fans and sign autographs before the show. The first 500 fans
on hand received special 50th Anniversary Ladmo Bags.
Several thousand fans inside the Coliseum were treated
to Aunt Maud being driven on stage by Harry Florian. Wallace and
Gerald continued their spat. A large screen above the stage paid
tributes to Ladmo and Mike Condello.
50th Ticket Stub |
Wallace with Fans |
50th Anniversary Stage Show Ad |
Bowl Parade Float
The Fiesta
Bowl Committee honored Wallace and Ladmo by creating a float that
was featured in the annual Fort McDowell Fiesta Bowl Parade on December
31, 2004. Wallace and Pat McMahon (and a large photo of Ladmo)
rode on the float accompanied by fans dressed up as characters from
the show.
The Arizona Music & Entertainment
of Fame
The Arizona Music & Entertainment Hall of
Fame was created in order to recognize, honor and educate the public
regarding the Arizona musicians, entertainers,
artists and others whose contributions have had an impact on the
arts locally and nationally.
The first public Induction Ceremony was held at the Dodge
Theatre in Phoenix on April 17, 2005. Wallace and Ladmo, Pat
McMahon and Mike Condello were honored at this fun-filled event.
Patsy Kwiatkowski (known as “Mrs. Ladmo”) accepted
for Ladmo, and Samantha Condello accepted for her father. More
than one Ladmo tie t-shirt was spotted in the audience. Naturally,
Wallace gave away a few Ladmo Bags.
Wallace and Patsy Kwiatkowski
at the HOF induction (2005). |
Wallace giving away Ladmo Bags! (2005) |
Unveiling of painting at IO Restaurant
owners of the IO (pronounced EYE-Oh) Restaurant unveiled a painting
of Wallace, Ladmo and Gerald in their “Comedians
Hall of Fame” inside the restaurant at the Biltmore
Fashion Square on January 13,
2006. Wallace and Pat were there to uncover the
painting and give out Ladmo Bags.
A Wallace & Ladmo/Civil
War Event (?)
Yes, you read that correctly. Andy Masich,
former director of the Arizona Historical Society, Central Arizona
Division, recently completed a book on the history of the Civil
War in Arizona. Wallace and Ladmo alumni Sandy Gibbons (Inspector
Blitz, Ranger Bob) hosted the event with Wallace.
Andy, a frequent visitor to the show (“Andy from
the Museum”), spoke about the book and had a book signing.
Local musician Joe Bethancourt (another frequent visitor to the Wallace
and Ladmo Show) played Civil War era songs on his banjo. Wallace’s
grandson Billy sang a rendition of Mike Condello’s song 1954 that
he wrote for the Wallace & Ladmo 35th Anniversary
Of course, Ladmo Bags were also given away. Wallace’s
friend, former Phoenix Sun’s great Alvin Adams, had the honor
of drawing the tickets from the barrel and awarding the bags. A
fun time was had by all!!
Wallace and Alvin
former Suns player,
giving away Ladmo Bags |
Wallace, Andy Masich,
and Sandy Gibbons
at Civil War Event |
Wallace and Ladmo Day
honor the show, Mayor Phil Gordon declared that
Saturday, April 3rd, 2004 will always be known as Wallace, Ladmo and Pat Day
in the City of Phoenix. The full declaration can be found at
the City of Phoenix website at http://phoenix.gov//mayor/procs/archive/2004/apr/procladmo040504.html.
Wallace and Gov. Phil Gordon |
Wallace and Ladmo Meet the Web
In August of 2006, WallaceWatchers.com became the Official Website for the Wallace and Ladmo Show. Steve Hoza, a local historian and long time fan of the show, was approached to write a book on the show. The book was going to be a history of the show, from the perspectives of the fans. Mass interviews were conducted and the book almost made it to press. Deciding that the fans needed to see this work, Wallace and Hoza came up with the idea of launching it on the world wide web. A local web designer, who just happened to be a fan of the show and Steve's nephew, Tom Dickson signed on to create the site. To this day Steve develops the content and Tom does all the graphic and web work that makes WallaceWatchers.com the best site on Wallace and Ladmo.
Since the start of the site we have added Ladmo Tie T-shirts and Old Time Movies DVD's to purchase, dozens of computer desktops to download, audio clips of the gang, videos from the show and video interviews with the cast.
Wallace's 75th Birthday
December 16, 2006, two days before his actual birthday, Wallace, Pat, and Richard Ruelas were on hand to greet fans and sign copies of the paperback edition of Thanks for Tuning In. The event was held at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, Arizona. Also on hand were Dave the Scientist, Craig Dingle and Dan Harkins. Wallace was presented with gifts including a sculpture of Ladmo from Joe Kinkel. Wallace also handed out Ladmo Bags and DVD's from WallaceWatchers.com
Barbie, Ladmo Bag winner |
Fans with Wallace and Pat |
Richard, Wallace, and Pat McMahon |
Wallace and Richard Ruelas signing books |
Citrus Valley Playhouse All-Star Tribute to the Wallace and Ladmo Show
On Saturday, April 12, 2008 the Citrus Valley Playhouse presented an All-Star Tribute to the Wallace and Ladmo Show. The on-stage radio production show was hosted at the Mesa Arts Theatre. Prior to the show there was a VIP reception where children and adults alike could take photos with Wallace and Pat. In attendance were: Grant Woods (Attorney General), JR (KDKB), Al McCoy (Phoenix Suns), Joe Arpaio (Sheriff), Tara Hitchcock (Ch. 3 News), Marshall Trimble, Phil Gordon (Phoenix Mayor), Hugh Hallman (Tempe Mayor), Dan Harkins (Harkins Theatres), Blaise Lantana (KJZZ), and Harry Mitchell (Senator). . In addition to the show a short awards ceremony was held afterward where Dan Harkins and the Citrus Valley crew presented Wallace, Pat and Patsy Kwiatkowski (Ladmo's Widow) with the first Citrus Valley Playhouse Lifetime Achievement Awards. Following the awards a record 50 Ladmo Bags were given out in less than 50 seconds.
Ladmo Tie Nametags |
Wallace and Mark Arnett |
VIP Event |
Pat McMahon, Buffy McMahon, Patsy Kwiatkowski, Katie Thompson, Bill Thompson (Wallace) |
Wallace, Hugh Hallman, Pat McMahon |
Pat McMahon |