Apart from the daily show, Wallace and Ladmo and
the gang also made tens of thousands of personal appearances all
over Arizona. From the Arizona State Fair to school carnivals to
shopping mall openings, they could be found nearly every weekend
playing at some public event. For the first few years of the show,
Wallace was a solo act.
A fan remembers:
remember when I was probably in the second grade, Wallace was
over at Goldwater’s [department store]
in Park Central. He was drawing cartoon sketches.
All the kid fans at that
point in time went over to Goldwater’s to see
him draw these cartoon sketches. He’d just rip them
off of this, it was probably a two foot by two foot sheet
of paper. He’d thrown them down and the kids would
grab them and take off with whatever it was he was drawing.
He’d draw
character sketches of people. He’d draw Daffy Duck.
Other cartoons he created himself.
-Michael S.

Ladmo and Gerald at the Salt River Pima-Maricopa
Indian Community Christmas Program (1983).
Photo courtesy Shane Antone.
Wallace on Stage Shows (2007) |
Mike Condello, Ladmo,
Wallace and Harvey
in a parade
in downtown Phoenix. |

were several movie theatres that offered Saturday morning double-feature
(remember those?) kid’s movies. Wallace and
the Gang were a staple at the Fox Chris-Town Theatres on 19th
Avenue and Camelback and the Fox Theatre in downtown Phoenix.
Gerald, as usual, was the target of the kid’s wrath.
Even at Chris-Town when the kids attacked him, Gerald was
hiding behind this huge curtain that covered the screen. And
he ran behind that curtain and the kids were pounding on that
curtain and Gerald was running. The ushers were trying to get
these kids back. Hundreds of kids. And again Wallace and I,
we were standing on the stage laughing. ‘Go get him.
Go get him. He deserves it.’ Ever since then we always
tried to have some kind of security guards just standing on
the corners of the stage. We were laughing, but it was serious.
He could have really gotten hurt.
A fan remembers:
As I got older, my parents
would leave me off at the old Fox Chris Town Theater . . . to
see the stage show. It was so neat to be in that gigantic auditorium
with all those kids screaming at Gerald. Dad would give me a
dollar. Fifty cents would get me in, fifty cents would be for
popcorn, and they would give us free Double-Bubble [chewing gum]
on the way out.
- Howard M.
Ladmo and Gerald
at a Kiddie Matinee |

Touted as Arizona’s answer
to Disneyland, Legend City opened on June 30th, 1963. The western-themed
fun park featured rides, live acts and stage shows of all kinds.
The Lagoon Stage was the site of hundred of Wallace and Ladmo
stage shows. Hub Kapp and Mike Condello performed many a concert
After changing ownership a few times in the 70s, Legend City
finally closed in 1983. The park was demolished and today it is
the site of the Salt River Project (SRP) headquarters building
near the intersection of Galvin Parkway and Van Buren.
Legend City Advertisement |
A fan remembers:
I did attend shows at the [Arizona] State
Fair. I remember that my brother and I had Wallace and Ladmo
t-shirts and we booed Gerald so loudly that we were hoarse
the next day. Even my mom and dad booed Gerald, which was really
funny. When Gerald’s Monster came out on the stage, I
started crying because I was really frightened.
- Michele M. |
Ladmo's State Fair Food Stand |

In 1964, the gang formed a sports
team that was sponsored by Red Ball Jets tennis shoes. They purchased
the uniforms, jackets and the shoes. The Ladmo Jets were made up
of Wallace, Ladmo, Pat, the LaChords (Dan Moss, Al Douglas and
Gene Blue), Mike Condello, Brian Donohue, Tony Evans (of KRIZ radio).
The Jets would play football, softball, basketball and even boxing.
The Jets would travel all over Arizona, playing other sports teams
comprised of local coaches, DJs from radio stations or even varsity
teams from local high schools. The games were charity events. A
regular Wallace and Ladmo stage show would precede the game. Dollar
tickets were sold for the game itself.
Ladmo remembers . . .
We had a tremendous
schedule. We played just about every week. Sometimes twice
a week if the schedule allowed it. We would go at 7
p.m. and play at Chandler and
the next day we’d be 7 p.m. at Buckeye.
We traveled the state that way. We always recommended to get
grade schools and high school involved. We’d go like
to Chandler or Eloy or wherever we went to.
We’d say ‘Make sure you get your elementary grades,
get a few teachers’ and they did. The whole community
turned out. Wall had it figured at one time [that we raised]
over a million dollars and I believed it. Whatever they hired
us for, whatever charity, was fine with us. We would always
promote it that way.
-from an interview in 1991

has the distinction of being the only state (that we know of) in
which zany, rubber-faced TV sidekicks and spoiled, rich twelve-year-old
prodigies ever ran for the highest office. Their electors were
movie theaters full of screaming kids. The following is an actual
campaign routine performed by Ladmo and Gerald in the late 1960s.
You can supply the ‘yeahs’ and
the ‘boos.’
LADMO: If I’m elected, I will visit every school and
give away Ladmo Bags.
GERALD: If I’m elected, I will visit
every school and recite poetry.
LADMO: Vote for me, and I’ll have your teacher serve
ice cream and cake in the classroom.
GERALD: Vote for me, and I’ll sing
opera in the classroom.
LADMO: A vote for Ladmo for governor is a vote for cartoons
in school assembly.
GERALD: A vote for Gerald for governor
is a vote for my ballet in school assembly. Yes, I will come
to your school and do the ballet for you.
LADMO: If you support me, gang, I’ll have the school
board put root beer in the drinking fountains.
GERALD: I’ll have carrot juice. It’s good for
you. And Gerald knows what’s best for you.
LADMO: Elect me and I’ll fix it so you only have to
go to school four days a week. No school on Fridays. A three-day
GERALD: You need more time to study! I’ll make you
go to school on Saturdays. That’ll make six days a week.
LADMO: If I am elected, I’ll get you longer lunch hours.
Two hours. And free hamburgers for everyone.
GERALD: You’ll get a two-minute lunch period if I’m
elected. And nothing but carrot juice.
LADMO: Remember, when Ladmo wins, you only have to go to
school three hours a day. And two hours of it will be lunch period.
The other hour will be play period. And no homework!
GERALD: If you know what’s good for you, you’ll
vote for me. Then you’ll go to school twelve hours a
day. From six in the morning till six at night. And no play
period. And there will be six hours of homework every night.
You will study, study, study. Gerald for governor. Today Arizona .
. . tomorrow the world!! Vote for me or I’ll get my monster
after you . . .

One of the most
unusual (and dangerous) public appearances by Wallace and the gang
was a promotion staged by the now-defunct Phoenix rock n’ roll
station KRIZ in 1967.
Pat McMahon:
‘Save the Bridge’ was
fairly typical of the kind of promotion that we used to do
on KRIZ and I’ll tell you
I wish I could tell you it was original because we were so
creative. We had to do it differently from all the other radio
stations. The reason we did it differently is we were so broke
we couldn’t
afford to give away cars and trips to Europe and
things like that. What we did was create a fun promotion
and it captured the audiences’ imagination.
The Bobbie Gentry record Ode to Billie Joe came out and,
of course, it was a story record that I’m sure everyone
remembers. When you listen to the story, you’re aware
of the fact that some mysterious goings-on took place on
the bridge, the Tallahatchie Bridge.
We actually created a controversy, major expose involved
with what it is that was going on and the minister that was
involved. I forgot his name. The Reverend ‘something.’ We
got an actor to call the radio station and say ‘You’ve
got to stop playing that vile and corrupt record.’ We
had the characters as living people calling and created a
major news controversy.
We finally had a ‘Save the Bridge’ promotion
because this reverend, this character on the Bobbie Gentry
record that we had embodied with this local actor, he threatened
to have it torn down. The audience began to treat it like it
was some kind of icon, like it was an American symbol of freedom.
And my God, it wasn’t even around here. In the original
story it was back in Mississippi.
The Tallahatchie Bridge became
a symbol of the ‘authorities can’t do it to
us anymore.’
Sandy Gibbons as the preacher, reverend, actually made a
huge entrance through what I believe was something like thirteen
thousand people at Encanto Park that
came out of fun. You see, that’s the wonderful part about
it was they knew it was a wonderful satire and it was a put-on
of the demonstrations going on at the time for real. The serious
demonstrations were kind of getting to be old. So we staged our
own demonstration, not to make major social changes but to save
a non-existent bridge.
Sandy Gibbons:
On KRIZ radio for two weeks
leading up to this promotion, you see, the first week, I was
on soliciting funds to destroy the bridge. Pat was the program
director at that time. Going into Encanto Park .
. . that was the craziest thing I’d ever done. The closest
ever come to getting killed, too. It turned into a mob by
the college kids. They thought maybe fifteen hundred tops would
show up. It turned out it was fifteen thousand screaming people.
They were caught up in it. Their eyes were glazed over. Wall,
Condello and I hid out there and said ‘God, there’s
a lot of people.’ It filled the whole amphitheater. I
said ‘Let’s
do it!’ So I got up, Wallace was beating a big bass
drum and like the Red Sea parting, letting us come through.
I had a big placard saying ‘Destroy the Bridge’,
black cape, black suit, the bow tie, the beaver hat. The ferocious
face. When I went down to make by opening statement as the Reverend
R.T. Taylor, when I tried to get away, they spotted me and picked
me up and then they put me over their heads and passed me across
this huge crowd out there. I’m saying ‘I’m
Sandy Gibbons, I’m not R.T. Taylor.’ They threw me
to the ground and guys started kicking me and this could really
get bad. They beat me up pretty good. And I said ‘Just
don’t throw me into the lagoon.’ So they said ‘Throw
him into the lagoon.’ I wanted them to. I wanted to get
rid of them. I was on the ground being pummeled. So these guys,
they’re big guys, they picked me up and threw me in the
lagoon. I had on a black cape and a black beaver hat. I didn’t
have the hat on any more. I lost the hat and I lost a great
hairpiece. Cost me about twelve hundred dollars. It was
just torn to shreds.
In the lagoon, I hear the guys say ‘Let’s hang
him on the island.’ They started coming into the lagoon
with me. So I said ‘I want to make one more statement from
the bridge. Let me make . . . ‘ and I stood up in my full
glory. They said ‘Let him make one more statement.’ I
get up there and [Pat] McMahon has his rock ‘n roll group
playing. They don’t even know what’s going on. There
was such a mob out there. I said ‘Pat, they’re
trying to kill me out there.’ He says ‘What?’ I said ‘They’re
trying to kill me.’ He said ‘Get out of here.’ So
I went backstage and waited a while and finally I stripped downand
got a pair of shorts from somebody and I put on the shorts, wrapped
up all the stuff in the black cape like a satchel bag and walked
out. And I had to go down to Tucson to [announce]
the wrestling matches. I was due there. I was just doing this
promotion. I remember when I got down to Tucson all
these bad-guy wrestlers, we had a lot of fun with those guys,
they said ‘Now you know how it feels.’
Bill “Wallace” Thompson:
I remember
seeing Sandy Gibbons as the preacher up on the Bandstand Stage
in Encanto Park imploring people,
I guess it was to tear down the bridge. Then there was a lot
of commotion and dust and I didn’t
see Sandy.
And then, I was at the back of the crowd, and the next
thing I know he was being hurdled along, carried overhead
by a mob. I wanted to help him. There was really nothing
I could do. Besides, I was laughing too hard.
The next thing I saw was a crowd of easily 50, 60 guys threw
him in the pond at Encanto Park and
he was out in the middle and then they started lobbing grapefruits. Sandy tried
to get out to the very middle because the grapefruits were coming
fast. He was pleading, and I looked carefully, I mean he was
really pleading. He was begging and I wanted to go out there
and get him out but again, I started sliding down the tree I
was leaning against, laughing too hard to save him.
Wallace, Ladmo, Gerald
and Harvey (Brian Donohue)
at ASU in 1964.
and Ladmo
at a Stage Show |
Ladmo and
Gerald at a Stage Show |