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Pat McMahon

Pat "Gerald" McMahonThe man who would complete the trio of talent who made up the Wallace and Ladmo Show was born in Leavenworth, Kansas. His parents were touring vaudeville performers who worked with the likes of Burns and Allen and W.C. Fields.

Pat was tutored “on the road” until he was enrolled in a private boy’s school (Dowling Prep) in Des Moines, Iowa. He then went on to St. Ambrose College in Davenport, Iowa and studied speech and drama. He started his broadcasting career in the Quad Cities as a rock n’ roll disc jockey.

After a stint in the Army (where he entertained the troops), members of his theatrical group were thinking of going to Phoenix, so he tagged along. Before long, as Pat himself says, he was “immediately enchanted with the whole area and I started work at Channel 5 as an announcer.”

The planets must have been aligned one day when Wallace and Ladmo needed a third guy for a skit, and Pat (who had enjoyed watching the show in the studio) gladly obliged. He helped out for the next 30 years.

Visit our characters page to the characters played by Pat.

Visit the 60's page to see more on Pat's history and how he ended up on the show.


Desktop Wallpapers

Zoomar - 1960'sAunt Maud - 1960's

1973 Stage Show - Gerald, Wallace and LadmoCaptain Super - 35th Anniversary Show - 1989

Pat's Characters

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Bill " Wallace" Thompson Ladimir "Ladmo" Kwiatkowski Pat "Gerald" McMahon