little Bobby & Betty were never
heard from again . . .”
A resident of mythical Senior City, crotchety old Aunt Maud
(Pat McMahon) would ‘entertain’ the audience by reading ghastly ‘children’s
stories’ that would end tragically for all involved. Some of
the show’s most popular skits centered around Aunt Maud’s
infatuation with Phoenix Police Officer Harry Florian, a regular
guest on the show. “When I want an officer friend, I want
someone with steely-grey, Barry Goldwater hair . . .”
Aunt Maud was one of the first regular characters on the show
besides Wallace and Ladmo. “She” pre-dates Gerald,
Boffo, Captain Super and Marshall Good. At first, she was the local
celebrity gossip, with a regular column in the Phoenix-area TeeVee

One of my personal favorites was Aunt Maud. I remember a story
she told one day about a couple of kids named Jenny and Bobby.
Jenny and Bobby’s mother won a trip to Las Vegas and
never came back. When Aunt Maud told the story . . . in my childish
mind, hearing that terrible story left me with a strange sense
of comfort knowing that at least my mom probably wasn’t going
to leave us.
-Brenda F.
Aunt Maud, I guess I could relate to because not that I had
aunts reading me stories in real life, but I knew that her stories
were so counter what you would normally get at bedtime. I understood
them and I thought they were hysterical. Even at that tender age
I could appreciate their sarcasm and their ludicrousness.
-Ken K.

. . . today’s story: “The Quaint Little
Once upon a time there was a quaint little cottage at the
edge of the woods. And in this cottage lived an old hermit. Nearby,
in a cave, lived an elderly lady. The nice elderly lady thought
to herself “Something’s
not right. I should be living in that quaint little cottage and that
old hermit should be living here in this cave.” So she went
over to ask the hermit about it, but he threw her off his property.
Naturally, that didn’t stop the elderly lady. She snuck back
late that night, tipped over his garbage cans, and decorated his
yard with a roll of you-know-what paper. Next morning, when the old
hermit woke up and saw what she had done, he rushed over to attack
the elderly lady’s cave. He ran inside with grenades and a
flame thrower, but the elderly lady wasn’t there. She had been
hiding outside the entrance with a stack of bricks. She quickly sealed
up the entrance with the bricks while the hermit was inside. A lot
of muffled yelling could be heard, but after a few days it stopped.
The elderly lady moved into the quaint little cottage and lived happily
ever after. The moral of this story is . . . “Don’t
mess with elderly ladies, especially if they got a stack of bricks.”


Wallace on Aunt Maud (2007)
